Start good habits – ditch the bad ones
There are five New Years resolutions that come up year after year. To achieve any resolution, it’s a question of getting into good habits and ditching the bad ones. For you as an advertiser, this can mean very good placement. We'll tell you how!
Within these five categories there are endless possibilities if you choose contextual advertising. In this article, we take a closer look at the five areas and the opportunities they offer for different industries.
Saving is something that’s high on the list of New Years resolutions. It’s also a topic that provides excellent opportunities with relevant visibility for advertisers such as banks, equity banks, savings apps, and other personal finance services.
What’s important to remember for other players is that saving isn’t just about finances. It’s also about dreams! Everything you want to save for, such as travel, concerts, and not least all the other social experiences we’re longing to get back to when the pandemic is over. Other things that we also often dream about are a new home, a new kitchen/bathroom, a summer home, or perhaps a new car.
A lot is written about these topics in the major editorial media at this time of year. And this offers significant opportunities for context for very many industries.
Working out is another New Year resolution that peaks around this time. This year, just like last year, and almost every year before that, many people see the new year as a unique opportunity to start taking exercise. People set out with high ambitions, reading page after page about different types of training and how to achieve their goals the fastest way. This provides great opportunities for relevant advertising for gyms, various sports chains, shops selling outdoor equipment, and other things relevant for the season.
Perhaps this is obvious, but let’s dive a little deeper into the topic of exercise and see what other advertising opportunities there are.
If you’re going to advertise products or activities within sport, outdoor activities, or exercise, there are several other contexts you can benefit from. Skiing and alpine equipment fits perfectly into articles about ski resorts, good weather forecasts, powder snow, or newly-prepped ski trails.
Another good tip if you want to reach the target group that’s interested in woolen undergarments and outdoor clothing is to advertise in articles about cottages, hiking tips, nature, and wildlife. If you’re running ads for sports drinks, protein powder, or protein bars, use the tips above!
Diet and weight loss:
In addition to exercise, a great deal is written about different types of diets, dietary advice, and healthy recipes. There are extensive opportunities for all actors within health food, everyday consumer goods, weight reduction programs, food supply services, and grocery boxes, among others.
If you want to promote organic and locally produced food, there are many opportunities for good, relevant visibility.

Marketing in an adapted context
Different health food products are often targeted at different age groups. You get the best contextual effect if different products in the range are marketed in a customized context.
Health foods aimed at older people should be included in articles that this group reads. This can be anything from pensions, activities or health treatments for the elderly, to celebrities and TV shows that are popular in this age group.
Living greener
We want to live in a more environmentally friendly way! Of course, many articles are written on the subject of sustainability and the environment. These articles are perfect for those advertisers who want to market sustainable products such as clothing, cosmetics, organic food, environmentally friendly products, solutions for homes, and electric cars and other environmentally friendly means of transport. This gives environmental organizations in particular a good arena where they can reach their audience.
Articles about the environment and sustainability are also ideal for any company that wants to highlight its climate focus. Here the possibilities are virtually endless. The relevance can be in electric car news and battery technology, CO2 management, sustainable products, climate and environmental policy, or alternative energy solutions. And to a large extent you can choose whether you want to be seen in articles dealing with climate problems or climate devastation, or positively charged topics that are more about solutions and progress.
What works best depends entirely on your message. And if you’re unsure, you can always try several different directions and optimize according to which performs best.

Eating more plant-based
Articles about vegetarian food have become more and more common in recent years. This is a perfect arena for the grocery store, which uses the advertising space to market its selected vegetarian and vegan options, as well as promotional offers on fruit and vegetables.
People who read about vegetarian diets are also most likely to be concerned about animal welfare and the environment. So it becomes a natural place to advertise for any organization that works within these areas.
We hope we’ve given you a little inspiration and ideas for thinking in a fresh, broader way about the context your brand can be placed in.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need help getting started.
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