The vulnerable brand
Security is a hot topic that will become even more relevant in the future. Safety concerns us all in pretty much everything we do. In this article we will take a closer look at what security means for your brand.
Security plays an important role in all parts of society, whether it concerns how we interact with others or in the way we use various digital systems.
As responsible marketers, it is crucial to safeguard the brand. To succeed in this task, we must focus on the group that holds the defining power, namely the people our brand is in contact with, because it is the experience of meeting the brand that determines whether it is perceived positively or negatively, credible or unreliable.
This experience determines whether your product is chosen over someone else's.
The importance of the brand
A brand is about more than just the product you sell. It is the feeling the recipient is left with that is decisive. Creating good experiences is the key to success in branding and is essential for any business.
A consumer often has many daily contact points with different brands. It is important to optimize these contact points to create the best possible experience for the recipient. These contact points can be everything from customer reception, training, websites, and references both from existing customers and the company employees; Are they good or bad ambassadors? How are the websites perceived? Are they simple and informative, and how easy is it to navigate and complete the purchase? What about the advertising of the brand, how is it perceived?
The sum of the experience from each of the contact points forms the basis for how a brand is valued. We will take a closer look at the point of contact that affects the most marketers and also has the most points of contact with the customer, namely advertising.
Ads out of control
Having an overview and control means that you influence your campaigns, know the numbers and can know with certainty whether a campaign has been successful or not. But do you know where all your ads end up and in what context they are placed? If you don't know where the ads end up, you also don't have the control you need to safeguard the brand.
Out-of-control ads are often the reason people say they don't like ads, despite receiving targeted ads. Many say they feel persecuted, monitored and bombarded with what they perceive as irrelevant advertising. Because even though you may have been in the target group for a new fridge last week, you are unlikely to be in the target group when you bought a new one the following week. Although such advertisements may not do much harm, as a brand you do not want to irritate the target group.
The result of a misplaced ad can, in the worst case, be perceived as offensive, regardless of how well-meaning it was from the start. For example, if an ad for a credit card ends up in an article that writes about people who have fallen into debt, or ads for barbecues that appear in an article about a burned-down barn.
Everyone can get unlucky and experience misplaced ads, but many such incidents can cost the brand reliability. Thus advertising builds neither credibility nor security and can weaken the brand.
How to protect your brand
To avoid giving the target audience the feeling of being stalked and to protect the brand from harmful ad placement, while preserving profitability, contextual advertising is a great solution.
Contextual advertising is about placing ads on articles that are relevant to your message. When you advertise contextually, you also reach the target audience when they are in the right frame of mind.
For example, it is highly likely that someone reading an article about child insurance has children and is looking for insurance.
Contextual marketing is about advertising safely and effectively, without the use of personal data and without compromising the result. When ads are placed in context with the content, the ad is not perceived as intrusive. Instead, it will feel like a natural part of the content. Research shows that ads placed contextually have up to 750% more effectiveness than usual programmatic.
Avoid unfortunate placements
To be sure that you do not end up on editorial articles that you do not want your brand to be associated with, we have a built-in sensitivity filter in the Kobler platform. This filter ensures that none of your ads ends up on articles about war, disasters and the like. Unless for example you represent an aid organization and the campaign goal is more contributions to help those affected.
100 % transparency
To ensure the brand is safe at all times, you must know where all of your ads are displayed. The Kobler platform is 100 % transparent and lets you follow all of your ads from start to finish.
The system takes screenshots for you to see how well the ads match the content. By taking control of the advertising, you make an important contribution to preserving a safe and solid brand.
Do you want to know more about contextual marketing?
Contact us, and we'll help you get started!
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